How Common is Divorce in Malaysia?
How Common is Divorce in Malaysia?
More often than not, getting a divorce in Malaysia as a non-Muslim is challenging to both parties, mentally and emotionally. This is especially true if there is a dispute on custody of children, alimony or division of matrimonial properties. If you are contemplating to get a divorce or currently going through a divorce, you may be wondering if you are alone in this.
In other words, how common is divorce in Malaysia? In this article, we will be referring solely on non-Muslim divorce cases and how common it is to get a divorce as a non-Muslim in Malaysia.
Divorce Statistic in Malaysia for Non-Muslims
Based on the latest statistic by the Department of Statistics Malaysia in 2024, the number of non-Muslim divorce cases has decreased 21.4% in 2022 to 2023. The number of recorded non-Muslim divorce cases is 13513 cases in 2023 compared to 17200 cases in 2022 in Malaysia.

How To Get a Divorce in Malaysia for Non-Muslims
In order to get a divorce in Malaysia, parties must show that the marriage has broken down irretrievably before one can file for a divorce petition in Malaysia (unless if the divorce terms are agreed upon and there is no need to provide any reason for a divorce). You may read here to find out what are the top reasons for divorce in Malaysia throughout the years.
You may also read here to learn more about the grounds for divorce in Malaysia.
Seeking Professional Help
Marriage Counselling
Regardless of what is the reason you wish to get a divorce in Malaysia, is it important to seek for proper counselling or professional help to save the marriage if it is possible. This is important especially if there are minor children involved in the marriage.
Legal Advice From Divorce Lawyer
That said, if you have already made up your mind to end this marriage for the sake of your overall well-being, getting a right legal support is important to ensure that all essential terms are settled appropriately specifically on the issue of custody of children, maintenance of children, alimony and division of properties.
In fact, the topic of getting a divorce used to be a taboo topic but not anymore due to the growing acceptance that divorce is a legitimate option for couples who are no longer happy together. Afterall, life is too short to be unhappy. Hence, it is crucial for parties to consider the possibility of reconciliation before you take the next big step, which is filing for a divorce in Malaysia.
In the event if you decide to file for a divorce, getting the right divorce lawyer may help to ease the process for you during this challenging time.