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Completed JPN Marriage Counselling? How to Get a Divorce Next

Completed JPN Marriage Counselling Here's What to Do Next to Get a Divorce in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Best Divorce Lawyer in Malaysia

Register with JPN Marriage Tribunal: Requirement Before Filing a Single Petition for Divorce

You have completed JPN Marriage Counselling?

The JPN Marriage Tribunal has certified that both parties cannot be reconciled. They have issued a certificate to state the same. This is known as KC29. Or KC28 as the case may be in the event if the other party does not attend the marriage counselling.

So, what is next?

Does it mean that you are divorced now? No, you are not.

A marriage can only be dissolved by the Court in Malaysia. This is known as a divorce.

Now, back to the marriage counselling with the JPN Marriage Tribunal.

Once the marriage counselling conducted by the marriage tribunal is completed, you can expect to receive a certificate from the JPN first as mentioned above. Marriage counselling sessions will be completed usually within 6 months (3 sessions usually).

Next, you will have to identify if the certificate is known as KC28 or KC29. You may read here for more info on the difference of KC28 and KC29 issued by the marriage tribunal.

Filing a Single Petition for Divorce in Malaysia

Regardless if you have received the KC28 or KC29, once the certificate is issued by the JPN Marriage Tribunal, you can start appointing a lawyer to start the divorce process in Malaysia. This is known as single petition for divorce.

For filing a single petition for divorce, there is a need to prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. Your divorce lawyer will proceed to prepare the divorce petition and assist with the court process then.

Joint Petition or Single Petition for Divorce?

In comparison, a single petition will require longer processing time and cost sightlier more than a joint petition for divorce. Therefore, it is advisable for parties to seek for mutual consent for a divorce and file a joint petition for divorce, if possible.

It is also important to note that if the divorce terms are agreed between parties, there is no need to attend any counselling sessions as mentioned and you may appoint a divorce lawyer directly to start the divorce process in Malaysia.

Our divorce lawyer may assist to negotiate and seek for divorce settlement to save time and cost for divorce, if possible. Get in touch with our divorce lawyer now on how to move forward with your divorce in Malaysia and decide what is the best course of action available.

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